Terms of Service

Terms of Service
1. I authorise child’s participation in Successful Learners Tutoring Pty Ltd
learning program for the days they are enrolled at the centre.
2. I authorise staff, in the event of accident or illness, to proceed with all necessary medical
assistance and treatment for my child and agree to meet any expenses attached to such treatment.
1. I acknowledge that if my child is sick and suffering from an infectious or communicable disease,
they will not be allowed to attend the program at Successful Learners Tutoring Pty.
2. I understand that if my child is sick during their scheduled lesson, I will be notified to collect my
child immediately and that no refunds will be given.
3. In the case of sickness and urgent events including death in a family, unforeseen accidents leading
to hospitalisation, and any other event that may be life-threatening, Successful Learners Tutoring Pty
Ltd will attempt to replace the class upon presentation of a medical certificate. A 24hr notice is
required and only 2 sick days are allowed per term for any replacement classes.
Waiver of Liability
1. I understand that Successful Learners Tutoring Pty Ltd does not accept any liability for personal
injury, property damage or loss of property as a result of a child’s participation in the program due
to any cause unless caused by the proven negligence of Successful Learners Tutoring Pty Ltd, its
Directors or employees.
2. I understand that the centre does not take responsibility for any and all causes that may endanger
the safety of the child once they have been collected by their parent/guardian.
3. I understand that high school children are not permitted to leave the centre by themselves
without prior written authorisation from the parent/ guardian. The centre does not take
responsibility for any and all causes that may endanger the safety of the child once they have left the
centre premises.
Inappropriate Behaviour
1. I understand that Successful Learners Tutoring Pty Ltd does not tolerate any inappropriate
behaviour from students. If my child continuously demonstrates inappropriate behaviour after
reasonable efforts have been made to improve student behaviour, I will be notified and my child
may be removed, suspended or excluded permanently from the service.
Fees & Bookings
1. I understand that fees are paid upfront for the whole term and non-refundable, and I agree to
pay the required fees at the beginning of the term for my child’s services. Failure to pay prior to
term lessons may result in the exclusion of the child from the program.
2. I agree to pay for all the days my child is enrolled at Successful Learners Tutoring Pty Ltd (and not
cancelled within the relevant timeframe), regardless of whether my child actually attends with
exception to illness.
3. I acknowledge that I am required to pay a late fee of $20 per 15min for late pick up of my child
from the centre at the completion of their scheduled lesson.
4. I acknowledge that the initial $50 enrolment fee is a once off payment for the purpose of
administration and membership costs. There will be no extra charge upon re-enrolment for the
following term.
Homework Centre
1. I understand that if my child attends the homework centre, he/she is expected to bring their own
materials (either tutoring homework or school homework) and will be required to work
2. I acknowledge that I am to book in advance for my child to attend the homework sessions and In
the event that there’s less than 3 participants, Successful Learners Tutoring will contact me to cancel
the homework session for that day.
1. I acknowledge that the nominated parents/guardians are the authorised person(s) able to pick
up the enrolled child. If the authorised person(s) are unable to collect the child at the end of the
lesson, it is the responsibility of the parent(s) to nominate and authorise a third person to collect the
2. In the case of an emergency where the authorised person(s) needs to nominate and authorise a
third person to collect the child on any given day, I understand that the nominated person must
present forms of identification (driver’s license or passport) to Successful Learners Tutoring Pty Ltd
upon arrival.
3. I agree that termination of the service must be made at least one week prior to the actual date
of termination and that all fees that have been paid are non-refundable.
4. I agree that Successful Learners Tutoring Pty Ltd holds the right to update the price and policies
of all their services where necessary.